Tokyo, Japan

Spiritual shopping party

Visiting Sensō-ji Temple in Asakusa was another truly memorable experience due to the tremendous crowds and the hundreds of little shops leading up to Tokyo's oldest temple. The Nakamise-dōri is the street which sits at the foot of the temple and dates back to the 18th century where the shops popped up to service visitors to the temple, these days it is enclosed with a thin roof and shops extend in all directions.

After visiting the temple I bought some presents for my family back home and found everything I was looking for and more. It was a little overwhelming even for me but there was a Starbucks and some chocolate crazy fish donut stand so I was in my element. It's the kind of place you can wonder around in for hours...and I did (I think the churches in the US should take a look at this concept- who wouldn't mind a few shops on the way to church?)