Rockport, Maine 2006

Maine at 100 miles per hour (with another cow).

On return to Maine I was hoping only to catch a possible glimpse of the expierience I have during my first trip. I decieded to drive up so that I might have a chance to get around and see some of the surrounding area. Driving alone was worth it! I sped down the open road with the Arctic Monkeys, the Rolling Stones, and Van Morrison playing and it was freedom incarnate. "Terrific, four stars!' says Tim Needles of New York. The workshop wasn't quite what I had hoped for but I like to find a way to make the most out of anything, and I did.

The majority of my trip was spent speeding along hillside empty roads and occasionally screeching to a stop to take photos. The cow shot is a favorite because it lingers in some way. I don't know what that cow was trying to tell me but we really made a connection. It was taken across the street from a jail and inmates were yelling at me continuously (maybe it was the running car with the door open and the Stones blasting).

I stopped by the Olsen House from the famous Andrew Wyeth painting which was cool and I watched the Thomaston Fourth of July parade. It was such a warm piece of Americana that Frank Capra might've been there in spirit as grand marshall.

The people of Maine are terrific. So much so that I'd like to buy a summer home there one day.