ATL day four afternoon

Midtown and Marta, my new best friends

I jumped on the subway (MARTA) and decided to begin searching for the real Atlanta. The bad news is someone fell on the subway line so we sat for a while, but the good news is Midtown (I'm not sure what happened with the fall). I stopped in a cool little coffee shop/bar and asked what I should see and the sent me over to the High Museum of Art. On the walk over I found a ton of cool little shops annd great restaurants. This is a terrific area of the city and I'm finding that Atlanta is really more of a collection of diverse neighborhoods than a typical urban city.

I passed by the Margret Michell House on the way which was pretty cool. She was the author of Gone with the Wind. I would've stopped by for a tour but I heard the house burned down a few times and has been rebuild so...I'll imagine it inside. Replica history is only so cool, you know.

The museum was fantastical magic. It was really well designed and had a collection of art on loan from the Louve in France. The also had a photo exhibit of one of my favorites, Annie Liebovitz. The paired her exhibit with a really interesting painter ... The museum was truely inspiring but by the time I left I couldn't feel my feet and I was blind from hunger.