UPstate NY Woodstock


It may seem like a strange jump from Shoeless Joe to Jerry Garcia but Woodstock is another town I've always wanted to visit. I've been interested in the concert and watching the film since high school ("the New York State Thruway is closed man") partially due to my parents who were legit hippies. I love the music and I'm an artist so it was always a destination I've wanted to get to. The town was a little like Haight-Ashberry if it was helicoptered to New York and dropped in the middle of the woods. There are a number of galleries and twelve year olds with headbands and Dead shirts.

The natural setting makes me understand why it has always served as an artist commune and a get away for people like Dylan and the Band. The authenticity of some of the people in town was questionable- maybe more freaked-out druggie than hippie-artist but to each their own. The town was cool and the surrounding houses were a wonder of creative architecture and old-school farming barns. The town was a blend of every decade since 1900 which made it original. Most importantly the people were friendly and there seems to be an influx of travelers regularly so there's plenty to do for a short stay.